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Type reflection

The @type intrinsic function returns a reflection of the type passed to it.

You can access its .kind property to get the kind of the type, and use various helper methods like .asStruct(), .asClass(), .asInterface(), etc. to access related properties.

let generateJsonSchema = (structType: std.reflect.Type): str => {
if let st = structType.asStruct() {
let schema = MutJson {
type: "object",
properties: {},
required: []

for name in st.fields.keys() {
let fieldSchema = MutJson {};
let var field = st.fields[name].child;
let var required = true;
if let opt = field.asOptional() {
required = false;
field = opt.child;

if field.kind == "str" {
fieldSchema["type"] = "string";
} else if field.kind == "num" {
fieldSchema["type"] = "number";
} // ...handle other types

schema["properties"][name] = fieldSchema;
if required {
// TODO:

return Json.stringify(schema);

throw "input must be a struct type";

struct User {
name: str;
age: num;
email: str?;

Wing console output
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